E18 | Mastering Intuition: Unlocking The Power Of Silent Knowledge

E18 | Mastering Intuition: Unlocking The Power Of Silent Knowledge


What is intuition? It's that inner voice that nudges you in a certain direction, sometimes gently, sometimes persistently. Referencing Malcolm Gladwell, Carlos Castaneda, Wayne Dyer, and even the movie Yes Man, we explore the relationship between intuition and logic and the fine line between intuition and fear. How do you hear, trust, and use your intuition? When making important decisions, which should have the last word: your intuitive gut or your logical brain?


Episode Transcript


Questions for Reflection from the Episode

  1. How do you personally define intuition? Does it play a significant role in your decision-making?
  2. Have you ever experienced a situation where your intuition told you to do something, but your logical mind was hesitant or extremely resistant?
  3. Do you believe there is an intersection between intuition and spirituality? Is it possible to seek confirmation or guidance from a higher power when you're making an intuitive decision?
  4. Looking at your own life, can you identify any major decisions or moments where your intuition played a significant role? How do you think those situations would have unfolded if you had ignored your intuition? Or if you ignored your intuition, how would they have unfolded if you hadn't?

  5. How do YOU differentiate between fear and intuition? Are there any specific signs or indicators that help you distinguish between the two?

  6. How important is intuition in your decision-making process? Do you believe that intuition is a reliable guide for making life decisions, or do you think your decision-making should always include logical reasoning?

  7. Do you feel that it's necessary to receive confirmation that your intuition was right to consider it a successful decision?


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Books & Resources Referenced In the Episode

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, by Malcolm Gladwell

The Power of Silence by Carlos Castaneda

Yes Man with Jim Carrey

The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer


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