How to Use Spiritual Energy to Manifest Abundance and Joy

be you but better worskhop Jan 10, 2023
How to Use Spiritual Energy to Manifest Abundance and Joy

Reading time: 7 mins 


Do you want an abundant life brimming with joy and purpose?

What if I told you that the only thing standing between you and the life you want is โšกspiritual energy?โšก

If you aren't already tapping into spiritual energy, maybe it's because you don't understand it.

What is spiritual energy anyway? Is it something only gurus or devoutly religious people have access to?

Nope, spiritual energy is available to every one of us

Think of the spiritual realm as a fourth dimension, parallel to our three-dimensional world, but on a higher plain. It vibrates at a different frequency and is unrestricted by the "rules" of our physical world.

There is infinite abundance in this fourth dimension, and it's waiting for you.


 The 3 Myths of Abundance

Three common misconceptions about abundance unfairly imply that to want it indicates greed or self-interest.


Myth #1

Abundance is material wealth or possessions.

While having excess material wealth can undoubtedly be a part of abundance, it's not the only aspect of it. Abundance can also refer to experiencing as much love, friendship, health, knowledge, opportunities, or other intangible things as you want in your life.


Myth #2 

Abundance is a fixed or limited state.

Some believe that resources are limited, so if one person has more of something, someone else has less. However, this is not necessarily true. Abundance can be created and multiplied, allowing everyone to experience it.


Myth #3

Abundance is only available to a select few.

It's not difficult or impossible for most people to experience abundance. While it may be true that some people have easier access to specific resources or experiences than others, it's important to remember that abundance can come in many forms. That means anyone can cultivate and create it. You don't have to earn it or do anything to deserve it. It's already yours if you want it.



Abundance is Your Birthright

Abundance is a stream of prosperity that flows through you when you're plugged into spiritual energy. It's the expectation that everything will work out, even if the situation or circumstances seem hopeless or unmanageable. It's the inner knowing that whatever happens, happens for a reason. 

Abundance manifests as events or experiences that prepare you for future hurdles or unanticipated resources that materialize when and where you need them.


3 Great Ways to Access Spiritual Energy

To live in abundance, we must connect to spiritual energy. But how? 


1. Prayer


Prayer is common in many religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. In these religions, prayer is often seen as a way to:

  • Communicate with a higher power
  • Seek guidance and direction
  • Express gratitude
  • Offer praise

Prayer can be perceived to be about formality and form, a programmed way of reaching a higher power and meeting certain conditions to be effective, such as a specific location or set of actions. These conditions can be difficult for many people to meet.

I see prayer differently. To me, it's a two-way conversation between myself and something greater than me, where I can ask questions and receive answers. It's an enriching and fulfilling exchange between my mind and heart that doesn't need to follow a specific structure. It can be about whatever is currently in my awareness.

Picture prayer as a means of tapping into your inner wisdom, your silent knowing. The link to spiritual energy is not through your logical mind but through the unrestricted flow of your heart space. You connect with it by accepting that you're not in control of everything and that not everything can or should be explained. You lessen your attachment to logic or reason and embrace the essence of you and all things.

To explore the power of prayer in accessing spiritual energy, you'll need to replace natural resistance with curiosity.

I see this resistance at work regularly with clients.

Me: "What do you think about spirituality?"

Client: "Oh, I don't believe in God."

Me: "That's not what I asked. I asked what you think about spirituality."

Client: "I don't believe in that stuff."

Me: "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, we're in trouble because you came to me for help. If you think I'm the smartest person in the room, I know we're in trouble because I don't have all the answers. We can't solve this without finding a way to tap into answers more profound than what the two of us come up with."

Although this conversation can shake a client up, it's the truth. If, in my work, I don't have access to greater insight than just what I know personally, the probability of successfully helping someone is mediocre at best. That's why prayer is a crucial part of my session preparation.


2. Meditation


Meditation typically uses a technique, like focusing on a particular object, thought, or activity, to train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. It's often used to reduce stress and improve physical and emotional well-being. It's also a great way to connect to spiritual energy.

You can meditate in various ways, such as sitting in silence while focusing on your breath or repeating a mantra or phrase. You can do it seated, walking, standing, or lying down. You can meditate alone or in a group for a few minutes or several hours.

Some believe that meditation is used to empty your mind so you have no thoughts. I like to use meditation to focus on just one thought and sink into it deeply, examining it from all angles.

Because meditation requires focus, it keeps you present. This presence connects you to spiritual energy effortlessly, flooding your being with a sense of peace and wholeness. In time, you may begin to notice synchronicities in your three-dimensional world. These synchronicities or coincidences confirm your growing connection to the fourth dimension.


3. Mindfulness


There are 5 common myths about mindfulness and loads of surprising health benefits, but its primary goal is to bring your attention to the present moment and allow you to observe your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Opportunities for mindfulness are limitless, but here are a few ideas:

๐ŸŒŸ Mindful breathing: Bring your awareness to the sensation of each breath as you inhale and exhale.

๐ŸŒŸ Mindful movement: Yoga or tai chi, walks in nature, swimming, kayaking, or climbing.

๐ŸŒŸ Mindful eating: Observe the taste and texture of your food as you eat.

Whatever supports total awareness of your present-moment experience is mindfulness, which means you can do anything mindfullyMindfulness offers an opportunity to be curious and accept what is. You realize that this moment is the only moment that exists right now. The future is alive only in your present-moment thoughts, as is the past. Even when you worry about the future or regret the past, you are doing so in the present moment.

By using mindfulness to manage your mind, you free your spirit, giving spiritual energy access to your physical reality. You'll experience a significant shift in consciousness when you detach from the limits of logic and reason and accept that your existence is more complex than anything science can define.

You'll realize you aren't meant to know everything and appreciate the mystery of divine intention. 

When you surrender to a greater power, endless possibilities, so much bigger than anything you could imagine, will manifest in your life. 


3 Ways You Know You’re Vibrating With Spiritual Energy


You feel at peace and content, even when things aren't going as planned.

You stay focused and positive even when faced with a complex project at work or when you encounter unexpected problems in your personal life. You handle these challenges with grace and resilience rather than becoming overwhelmed or discouraged. You find joy and meaning in the present moment, even when things aren't going quite how you hoped, and feel grateful and appreciative for the things that are going well.


You have a strong sense of purpose or meaning.

You feel strongly about protecting the environment, so you look for ways to contribute, such as volunteering at a local conservation group or advocating for environmental policies. You have a sense of purpose in your personal life, such as a desire to be a supportive and loving partner or parent, so you make choices and take actions aligned with that goal. A strong sense of purpose gives you direction and motivation and helps you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life.


You feel deeply connected to the world around you and have a sense of unity with others.

You feel a sense of oneness or interconnection with all living things. You find joy and meaning in experiencing and appreciating the beauty of the environment and feel strongly connected to other people and grateful for your relationships. This connection is reflected in your actions and choices, such as your involvement with social causes or your efforts to build supportive and meaningful relationships with others. A sense of unity gives you purpose and meaning and helps you feel more grounded and fulfilled.


Spiritual Energy is a Renewable Resource


Unlike physical energy, which can become depleted over time, spiritual energy is an infinite source of power that can be accessed and replenished at any time. By tapping into your spiritual energy using these practices, you'll find the strength, courage, and inspiration to face challenges without fear and become intuitively connected to your inner knowing.

Spiritual energy connects you with something bigger than you and infuses your life with meaning and purpose. Cultivating practices like prayer, meditation, and mindfulness opens the floodgates to the abundance and joy you desire.

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